80% of calls go to voicemail.

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It’s wild to think most of your day can consist of speaking to answering machines.

The far more interesting stat here is that some of my top performers speak to and close 75% of their prospects through call backs.

If you’re in sales, you obviously know the potential of mastering a strong voicemail.

Strong voicemail = strong response rate.

The average response rate is around 5%, so shoot for double digits.

So, what makes the voicemail strong?

Instead of listing specific examples (there are too many that work), I’ll give you the formula those examples better support:

* What’s in it for them + your personality. *

Constantly focus on why them calling you back is a positive for them.

Constantly focus on sounding like a human who they already have a relationship with and trust.

Pretend like that voicemail is the only one you left all day.

Separate your voicemail from the others and you’ll get that decision makers time.

#sales #prospecting #voicemails #salesdevelopment


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