86,400 Seconds.


If you didn't already know, that's how many seconds are in a day.

Someone once told me to imagine all of those seconds are dollars, and I'd be given $86,400 dollars to spend each day. However, the second the clock strikes midnight, I no longer have the ability to spend any of those dollars I don't use.

Time is no different.

We all get 86,400 seconds given to us each and every day.

Once tomorrow hits you'll never get today's seconds back, so why wouldn't we spend every single second in a way that puts us in a position to get what we want in life.

Time is the most important asset we have, and it will continue passing by.

So we either can wake up one day wishing we could turn back time to change our story, OR we can spend all 86,400 seconds every day now writing that story.

Which choice will you make?

#sales #mindset #salesmindset #leadership #time #salestips #revenue #team


6,837,339 Minutes.


It’s Up to YOU.