One of the most Common Mistakes

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“When is a good time to follow back up with you?”


Okay, you obviously want to check back in with your prospect to see if the sale has been made, or if they have decided to come up with objections, which you need to overcome. This is common.

The problem here?

You have unnecessarily delayed that next step in your sales process to who knows when...

You’ve given the prospect complete control to dictate when you get to speak next.

What if they say in 2 weeks? 2 months? Remember, You asked them and they answered with the “best” time for them. You put yourself in a position to receive the less ideal response.

So, why does this matter?

Simple. It now takes longer to close people down, extending your sales cycle, making less sales.

It’s even simpler to fix this:

Provide urgency and value before hitting them with the far more in control of your sales cycle option-

“I’ll follow back up with you on [date] at [time], does that work with you?”

Always stay in control of what happens next AND when it happens.

The result?

More sales, faster.

#sales #selling #control


They Reflect what YOU Project


4X your sales call Answer Rate.