Studying Top Performers: Empathy

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One of My AE's just came off his strongest performing month, achieving 200% of what he typically does.

Obviously, this would grab anyone's attention, given the overall selling environment is more difficult then it's ever been.

It's so important to study the behavior of these people.

So, I asked him -

"What has changed?
"What are you doing differently?"

He responded -

"Honestly, it all comes down to one word...empathy.
This crisis has forced me to be more empathetic with people, improving my overall interaction with them, resulting in so much more trust."

He developed one of the most difficult and valuable skills because these conditions forced him to.

Leaders, continue to recognize and celebrate the growth you see in your team during this time. It's happening.

Salespeople, use sincere empathy to drive results during every single interaction. It works.


The Growth of Modern Sales


The Grateful Mindset