Why do People Buy?

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SDRs and AEs,

Did you know 70% of purchasing decisions are made to solve a specific problem?

In other words,
Your prospects WILL pay for the solutions to their problems!

From what I’ve seen,

Here’s one of the critical differences between average performers and great performers:

Average performers do an average job of understanding what their prospect’s problems are.

Great performers do a great job of understanding what their prospect’s problems are.

One of my top performers always asks -

“So what are some challenges you guys are having at the business?”

It could be that simple.
It could also be that simple to never ask.

Bottom line:

Once you understand their problems in detail, you’re in a position to present the detailed story about how your product/service will make their life better by solving those problems!

#sales #solvingproblems #mindset


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