Who do You Want on Your Team?

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Which one do you want on your team?

1. The person who always performs.
This person constantly hits their quota. They only care about themselves and anything that helps them make sales. Their effect on others isn’t a priority.


2. The person who always lifts everyone up.
This person isn’t the strongest performer, yet. They care about how their actions and words impact their teammates. They genuinely love to motivate and inspire others around them through their positive energy.

The obvious answer here would be a combo, but I wouldn’t be writing this if that’s what most people were.



Let me make this one clear to you:

You will always have a responsibility outside of hitting a quota.

Your boss will love when you hit your numbers, but you know what your boss will love more?

When your positive and uplifting energy organically brings up the numbers and retention of everyone around you.

That’s powerful. That’s who I choose.

#sales #positivity #mindset


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