Misconceptions with Cold Calling

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Here’s 2 common misconceptions with cold calling -

1. Cold Calling is completely cold.

No, it’s definitely not. Maybe in 1873 when John Patterson made the very first cold call it was. He didn’t have any of the intelligence gifted to us today. Today, we have the power of the internet. We have the ability to gather a ton of information and data on any prospect we call, immediately building rapport and trust. Obviously, taking that information on your prospect and using it to create a much warmer conversation is a whole other story...but if you keep telling yourself these are “cold”, you are missing on the right mindset.

2. Cold calling is dead.

Obviously cold calling is NOT dead. It has evolved! It will continue evolving. Sure there are many other channels (email, LinkedIn etc.), but sales technology has made everything much easier for salespeople who pick up the phones. New and improved methods have made it a lot less painful for our prospects. Cold calling has naturally gotten a bad rep because of the robotic individuals calling people during dinner. This has led to many people thinking what is effective, instead of what IS actually effective. Cold calling remains one of the strongest ways to build your pipeline.

#coldcalling #sales #mindset


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